Inside Sacramento provides readers with 100-percent local content unavailable elsewhere. When the massive small business shutdown was ordered throughout California, my thoughts first went to the many small business owners who serve our neighborhoods and support our publications.
Our readers know that our publishing business champions the local community in all its various elements. And many neighbors have taken the heed to support all things local.
Yet still, small business owners face uphill challenges every day—from rising rents and escalating labor costs to online ordering from national retail giants. Very few I know feel much security in their business futures.
So we moved quickly to lead a community-wide effort to make the case to support local in an urgent manner—TAKE THE 100% LOCAL PLEDGE was launched.
First we designed and printed hundreds of colorful signs for shop windows. We added a social media campaign. Vice Mayor Jeff Harris not only immediately endorsed the campaign, but donated an East Sac billboard. And Meridian Signage contributed 50 lawn signs.
Mayor Darrell Steinberg, County Supervisor Susan Peters and City Councilmembers Allen Warren and Larry Carr have offered to help the campaign. And we hope Councilmembers Rick Jennings, Steve Hansen, Angelique Ashby, Eric Guerra and Jay Schenirer will respond to our invitation as all have small businesses in their districts that need support in order to survive.
On March 26, to promote the campaign, we filmed a television spot with Good Day Sacramento at Temple Coffee’s newly opened East Sacramento location. Another Good Day spot was shot March 30 at East Sacramento Hardware and Chocolate Fish Coffee Roasters at 48th Street and Folsom Boulevard.
How can you help? Download a sign. Share the message wide and far. Take a photo of yourself with the sign at a local shop and post it on social media. Live it every day. Make a permanent pledge to support 100 percent LOCAL of everything.
Send me your thoughts and ideas at