Diverse Viewpoints from Sacramento
Despair To Optimism
Inside Publisher Cecily Hastings interviewed mayoral candidates Flojaune Cofer and Kevin McCarty and recorded their responses to important questions facing the city. Interviews were separate, but both candidates responded to the same questions. More questions and answers will appear in our October editions.
A Better Way
My husband and I live two blocks from the American River Parkway. Dog walks are daily events along dirt paths lined with old oaks and thick sagebrush. The river flows steps away.
We share space with snowy egrets, pond turtles, mallard ducks and Canada geese. Occasionally a family of mule deer allows us to pass.
The problem with having a majestic river in your backyard?
Sacramento is one of the most at-risk areas for flooding in the United States, reports the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
Let’s Get Personal
Let’s Get Personal Mayoral candidates defend past decisions February 2024 Third of three parts Inside Sacramento interviewed the four candidates for mayor in the March 5 primary election—Flojaune Cofer, Steve Hansen, Kevin McCarty and Dr. Richard Pan....
End The Confusion
The Sacramento River Parkway is a crucial route for many residents who get to work by bike and an important resource for recreation. It’s a transportation facility of regional significance.
The parkway provides 65 miles of off-road riverfront paths when combined with the American River Parkway, plus dozens of additional miles of off-road bicycling and walking paths that connect many neighborhoods to our rivers.
As a native Sacramentan and frequent user of our river parkways, I’ve learned to navigate the complicated and confusing on-road connections between completed segments of the Sacramento River Parkway.v
No Legitimate Reason
No Legitimate Reason State flood board overreaches with fences By Patrick Kennedy October 2023 In 2022, the Sacramento Area Council of Governments board of directors, which I currently chair, adopted a regional trails plan that lays the groundwork for a...
We Can’t Wait
The story is bleak. An unsheltered population grows by more than 250% in six years. Sixteen encampments. Daily assaults. Hypodermic needles on soccer fields. Children walking to school through human feces and urine. Unanswered calls to city authorities for help.
As district attorney for Sacramento County, my mandate is public safety. While our office would never prosecute someone for being homeless, laws apply to everyone, even unhoused people.
I was recently asked by Mayor Darrell Steinberg to offer diversion to every unhoused person faced with prosecution. The mayor’s proposal would mean dismissal of every misdemeanor committed by an unhoused person. No input from victims. No evaluation of the crime.