Jul 27, 2020
Michael Ault, executive director of Sacramento’s Downtown Partnership, has been working to put more life into the city’s core for 25 years. He has experienced his share of economic gyrations.
California’s past budget crises, “Furlough Fridays” for state workers, the national housing crash that sparked the last recession and other big setbacks were painful, but largely overcome. So for the even-tempered advocate, last January’s “State of Downtown 2020” event at the Hyatt Regency was reason to celebrate.
Jun 25, 2020
Developers are capitalists. They assume risk, borrow money and partner with investors to make a profit and enjoy their piece of the American Dream.
But as anyone can see, there is more than just profit motive driving The Mill at Broadway, a hip and innovative condominium project on an old industrial site a few minutes south of Downtown.
May 27, 2020
Coronavirus news is crowding out everything in our public discourse, so it’s understandable why we’re not hearing much about the protracted stalemate between the Sacramento City Unified School District and the union representing teachers in the financially troubled system.
Negotiations on the union’s long-expired contract presumably started in March, but it’s been radio silence for much of the time since then. Both sides have reverted to their positions of mistrust, finger pointing and putting off hard choices.
Apr 28, 2020
The coronavirus crisis has exacerbated Sacramento’s struggle to manage its homeless population, requiring immense capital investment, empathy and unconventional thinking. All three virtues are on display at the new Courtyard Inn nearing completion along the Watt Avenue corridor in North Highlands.
With a projected opening in May, the 92-apartment complex at 3425 Orange Grove Ave. is a rehabilitated motel long been notorious for sheriff calls to deal with prostitution, drugs, theft and violence.
Apr 1, 2020
A few months back, Sacramento and West Sacramento announced agreement on design finalists for a new bridge connecting the growing cities. The news was a letdown. Despite extensive community involvement, work from an international design firm and a fair amount of hoopla, it felt as if everyone was trying too hard for something special.
The two spans competing to replace the 108-year-old I Street Bridge were thick, bulky and needlessly grandiose. Rather than complement and enhance the surroundings, each finalist loomed over the river like a boisterous, unwelcome hulk.
Feb 25, 2020
It’s been awhile since Sacramento’s design and architecture mavens had a big conflict with the state over a building project. But there is a passionate little battle taking place right now over the fate of the historic but dry fountain west of the Capitol.
This fight is nowhere near as pitched as the disagreement that festered between the city and state over the giant East End office complex near the Capitol in the early 2000s. That project achieved some important urban renewal objectives, clearing blight and consolidating scattered state offices and workers. But critics said the potential for a more eclectic and pedestrian-oriented streetscape was squandered.