Heard It All Before

Heard It All Before

People in my line of work get used to reruns. That’s not to say I’ve heard it all before, but stuff has a way of repeating itself when you’ve been a chaplain for a few decades.

Another thing I get accustomed to: clichés, especially those derived from biblical passages. Some I love. Others, not so much. Here’s a list of several unhealthy clichés:

Not So Good

Not So Good

I occasionally get emails from readers who reminisce about the good old days. They hope I’ll commiserate with them about how horrible the world has become.

One reader blamed the fall of America on the entertainment industry. “Back in my day, ‘The Andy Griffith Show’ led the way in promoting wholesome values,” he wrote. “Today’s shows promote violence and sexual promiscuity.”

How’d That Turn Out?

How’d That Turn Out?

How’d That Turn Out? A look back on 2021 By Norris Burkes February 2022 As a new year gets underway, I find it worthwhile to look back at columns from the previous 12 months. Sometimes, I make predictions that turn out wrong. Other times, my stories need updates....
Better To Give

Better To Give

In 1979, I served as a summer missionary for the Southern Baptist churches in Northern Nevada. I was one of hundreds of college students working nationwide, helping churches conduct Bible schools and summer youth camps.

Each missionary stayed within a region of churches, changing locations each week through a dozen churches. Most pastors hoped their missionary would be an ambitious college kid who could energize their youth group.

The pastors shared a pun among themselves to rate the energy of these workers: “Summer missionaries and some-r-not.”

I was more the “not” kind.

Ticket To Read

Ticket To Read

We’ve watched news stories of Honduran families making the treacherous journey toward our southern border.
So today, I have only two questions.

First question: What makes those families take such a risk?

Why do they trek thousands of miles through harsh weather, rough terrain and threats of violence? Why do they risk arrest or even worse—rape, robbery, human trafficking or being separated from their children?

From Ashes to Aid

From Ashes to Aid

In the aftermath of the Dixie Fire, the largest single wildfire ever recorded in California, I am curious how chaplains aid in the physical and spiritual recovery of victims.

I meet my pastor, Mike Bivins, in the church parking lot at 6 a.m., and we head into the heart of the disaster zone for a strategy meeting with local pastors, hosted by Greenville Southern Baptist Church.

Bivins directs volunteers from California’s Southern Baptist Convention Disaster Relief Ministries. On the four-hour commute, he assures me that the group goes only where it’s invited.