County Supervisor Report
By Susan Peters
April 2020
Come Wag With Me
Airport therapy dogs take fear out of flying

Air travel can be stressful for many people, whether it is a fear of flying, delays or just the strain of being away from home. Sacramento International Airport is providing a furry and adorable solution by partnering with Lend A Heart Animal Assisted Therapy, a Sacramento-based nonprofit organization that provides therapy dogs to improve the traveling experience.
For many hectic travelers, seeing a wet-nose tail-wagger wearing a blue vest on the concourse provides a bright spot for what, in many ways, can be a harried day. From lowering blood pressure to improving moods, recent studies show there are many benefits to having a friendly dog to pet at the airport.
Boarding Area Relaxation Corps dogs have been wagging their way around SMF since 2015. There are now more than 30 airport-approved BARC teams spreading their stress-busting affection through each terminal at least two times per week.
Because not everyone loves dogs, the airport therapy dog teams typically remain stationary. They can be found in open areas making it easy to spot the dogs with their “Pet Me” blue vests. Those not fond of canines can easily avoid them.
The Lend A Heart organization also has teams that visit hospitals, nursing homes and schools. The dogs and their handlers go through an evaluation and training process that usually takes a few months to complete. The dogs are matched with assignments based on factors like their age and temperament. For more information, go to
I will hold “office hours” during the Egg Hunt & Pancake Breakfast on Saturday, April 11, at Carmichael Park. Residents may drop by my table to talk about county matters on a no-appointment, first-come basis before and after the children dash for eggs that morning.
I started holding office hours at various community events in 2005, and now it has become an annual tradition. Everyone seems to find these informal gatherings more convenient and easier than making a formal appointment at the Sacramento County Administration Center in Downtown.
The egg hunt begins at 10 a.m. rain or shine and my “office” will be open 9:30–10:30 that morning. In addition, there will be a pancake breakfast from 7–11 a.m. The Carmichael Recreation and Park District along with the Carmichael Kiwanis Club are sponsoring the two activities at Carmichael Park at 5750 Grant Ave. For more information on the egg hunt, call (916) 485-5322 or go to
If you miss me at the egg hunt, don’t worry because I will move my office to other locations throughout the year. For future office hour dates, sign up for my monthly electronic newsletter and/or email notices at, then “E-mail Updates.”
The Sheriff’s Department is seeking individuals interested in becoming members of the VIPS (Volunteers in Partnership with the Sheriff) program. VIPS members assist the department with a variety of duties, such as writing crime reports, performing residential security checks, assisting with neighborhood association groups and helping at the Sheriff Service Stations.
Since 1993, the Sacramento County Sheriff’s Department has relied on volunteers to assist with its many tasks. To have effective crime prevention requires a partnership between the Sheriff’s Department and community members—that’s why individual volunteer participation is so vital.
Anyone interested in becoming part of the VIPS program may apply at, under “Careers,” then “Volunteer Services Bureau.” For more information, email the VIPS coordinator at

Did you know there’s a lot you can do online? Sacramento County’s website and its online services let you avoid the hassle of driving Downtown, parking and waiting in lines. Popular online services include:
- Fictitious business name search
- Marriage appointment scheduling
- Business license applications
- Recreation and leisure
- Pay property taxes
- Flight information
- Jail and inmate information
- Garbage pick-up day calendar
- Sheriff’s online reporting system
- Neighborhood cleanup appointment
- Events calendar
- Pay utility bill
- Search for lost pets
- Apply for county job
- Birth and death certificate requests
- Report a problem or request service
Plus, you can stay informed of what is going on in the unincorporated area by signing up to receive electronic updates. To date more than 60,000 subscribers have already signed up.
You can choose the frequency of notifications and items of interest, including press releases and county news blasts, construction and transportation alerts, land-use updates (including notices about your Community Planning Advisory Council), various public meetings like the Board of Supervisors and information about our regional parks. To find out more, visit
Susan Peters represents the Third District on the Sacramento County Board of Supervisors. She can be reached at Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram: @insidesacramento.