County Supervisor Report
By Susan Peters
December 2020

Project Toys
Sheriff’s program distributes items to kids and families
The Sheriff’s Toy Project has been serving our community since 1984 providing gifts, bicycles, computers, clothing and food boxes to less fortunate families.
The year-round program offers a character-building environment for Work Project participants who spend their court-ordered jail sentence making toys, building furniture, and refurbishing computers and donated bicycles. Items are distributed to those in need, including donations to schools for special needs and homeless children.
In addition to the annual holiday toy and food giveaway, the Sheriff’s Toy Project has helped fund the Santa Claus Project where sheriff’s deputies distribute stockings and gifts to the homeless and children in area hospitals. The Toy Project also provides emergency relief and special-request items throughout the year to families in crisis.
Referrals for recipient families come through the sheriff’s service centers, deputies, detectives, probation officers, social service agencies, schools and other local nonprofit organizations.
Work Project participants develop a great sense of accomplishment during and upon completion of their sentences, and many request to volunteer at the workshop after their release. For more information or to donate, call (916) 361-4571 or visit
The communities of Arden-Arcade and Carmichael are both fortunate to have Homeless Assistance Resource Teams led by dedicated volunteers who serve the many homeless individuals living among us who are in need of basic necessities this winter.
In the past, the Arden-Arcade HART has collected food, hygiene and new clothing items that have been distributed through the Sacramento Self-Help Housing Navigator, as well as by volunteers with Mercy Pedalers.
The Carmichael HART has been busy coordinating a winter shelter program and running a transitional housing program, as well as distributing items to assist the homeless.
Both HARTs represent coalitions of faith communities, nonprofits, businesses, agencies and individuals committed to finding solutions to homelessness in our area. For more information, visit
Need help finding unique gifts this holiday season? Following are a few suggestions to help with shopping and assist a good cause at the same time.
The Sacramento Sheriff K9 Association has an online store featuring a number of specialty items, including sweatshirts and T-shirts. Proceeds benefit this nonprofit organization that supports our four-legged canine deputies. Visit
Show your support for the American River Parkway by purchasing a yearlong unlimited Parks Pass. This convenient annual parking/day-use pass is a great gift for joggers, bicyclists and other outdoor recreationists who frequent the parkway. Parks Passes are sold online or at the American River Parkway Foundation office in the William B. Pond Recreation Area. Also check out other items for sale online, including men’s and women’s T-shirts, books and prints by artist Gregory Kondos. Visit
The Effie Yeaw Nature Center offers a wide selection of unique and personal gifts for nature lovers through the center’s Discovery Shop. Items include books, cards, games, toys and jewelry. Visit

The annual California International Marathon is another victim of COVID-19, which means thousands of runners will not be streaming down Fair Oaks Boulevard through our neighborhoods this month.
The marathon began in December 1983 and serves as a qualifier for the Boston Marathon, as well as U.S. Olympic Trials Marathon. Besides being a world-class event, it attracts several thousand out-of-town visitors who contribute to the local economy via lodging, restaurants and retail sales. This year’s cancelation is sure to have an impact on our local economy.
For those missing the excitement, the Sacramento Running Association has created a digital running platform called Project 26.20 to allow runners to have a virtual “race day experience.” For more information, visit
Sacramento County has mailed 467,813 secured property tax bills, which are sent only once a year. However, property owners may pay their bills in two installments.
The first installment payment will be accepted without penalty until 5 p.m. Dec. 10.
The second installment payment is due Feb. 1, 2021, but payments will be accepted without penalty until 5 p.m. April 10, 2021.
Both installments also may be paid when the first installment is due. A reminder notice will not be mailed for the second installment.
Taxpayers may sign up for e-mail notifications for annual secured property tax bills and reminders before delinquent dates. Go to and choose “e-Subscribe for property tax payment notifications.”
Susan Peters represents the Third District on the Sacramento County Board of Supervisors. She can be reached at Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram: @insidesacramento.