County Supervisor Report
By Susan Peters
October 2020

Remember to Vote
3 easy ways to cast your ballot
In addition to voting for president of the United States, candidates for Congress and the state Legislature, and several ballot propositions on Nov. 3, voters will decide on the runoff for who succeeds me on the Board of Supervisors (see “2 Choices” in this edition of Inside Sacramento).
For the past 16 years, it has been an honor and privilege to represent you, and to receive your trust and confidence each time my name appeared on the ballot.
All registered voters in Sacramento County will be mailed General Election ballots beginning Oct. 5. Voters may mail in ballots, personally deliver them to a secure Ballot Drop Box location or vote in person at any Vote Center.
For mailing, place the filled-in ballot inside the provided envelope, sign the envelope and return it with the required postage. To deliver in person, place the ballot in any of the many secure Ballot Drop Boxes throughout Sacramento County.
With the passage of the California Voter’s Choice Act, traditional polling places have been replaced with Vote Centers located throughout the county. Some centers will open Oct. 24. All centers will be open Oct. 31 through Election Day.
For more information, including a list of Ballot Drop Box and Vote Center locations, visit, then “How to Vote,” or call (916) 875-6451.

A volunteer bike patrol is now watching over the bike trails on the American River Parkway. The effort involves 55 volunteers organized and trained by the National Ski Patrol.
American River Bike Patrol members wear a volunteer bicycle patrol uniform and are trained in first aid, CPR and basic bicycle repair, as well as trail etiquette. The National Ski Patrol coordinates bike patrol schedules with the Department of Regional Parks, which reports there has been an increase in new trail users this year.
Bike patrol volunteers act as trail ambassadors providing directional advice, equipment assistance, bike-safety insight, assistance with events and first-aid services. For more information, visit
I was recently contacted by a few seniors who received notices for jury duty. They expressed concerns about being susceptible to COVID-19 due to their age and health. While the courts operate independently of the Board of Supervisors, I learned the Sacramento Superior Court has an automatic excusal policy for individuals 65 years and older.
To exercise the exclusion, submit a request to the Juror Commissioner’s Office by calling (916) 874-5230, e-mailing or writing to Jury Commissioner Paul Thorn, 720 Ninth St., Room 210, Sacramento, 95814.
Regardless of your age, if you are called to be a juror, exercise the necessary protocols in light of COVID-19. Admission to the court will not be permitted to anyone who is sick or exhibiting COVID-19 symptoms. Facial coverings and temperature screening are mandatory for anyone reporting for jury service or entering the courthouse. If you have a temperature of 100.4 degrees or higher, you will be released from jury service with a recommendation to follow up with your medical care provider.
To request a postponement or be excused from jury service, contact call (916) 874-7775 or visit
The San Juan Education Foundation will host a virtual 14th annual Evening with the STARS gala Oct. 2 to benefit students of the San Juan Unified School District. This year’s fundraising effort will go toward supporting distance-learning resources, as well as mentoring and literacy programs.
The gala will feature online live and silent auctions, entertainment by student groups, and celebrity alumni interviews and inductions into the STARS Hall of Fame. An optional dinner is available to order from Jackson Catering.
This year’s SJUSD alumni inductees are actor, author and philanthropist Hill Harper (Bella Vista High School), executive vice president of the San Francisco Giants Staci Slaughter (San Juan High School) and award-winning journalist Cristina Mendonsa (Del Campo High School). More information is available at
Susan Peters represents the Third District on the Sacramento County Board of Supervisors. She can be reached at Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram: @insidesacramento.