Inside Carmichael November2019
By Susan Peters
November 2019
Safety First
Board of Supervisors honors local food establishments
The Sacramento County Board of Supervisors honored several area establishments during National Food Safety Month for their outstanding records of practicing “safety first” in their kitchens.
This year, Awards of Excellence in Food Safety were issued to 598 food facilities in Sacramento County that had no major violations during their last three consecutive inspections.
The county awards are part of the Environmental Management Department’s nationally recognized food-safety program. Sacramento County was the first in the nation to issue the green-yellow-red placards during food-safety inspections, which have become a model for other programs.
EMD’s Environmental Health Division inspects approximately 7,400 restaurants, retail markets, bakeries, bars and schools for food-safety compliance annually. Inspections are unannounced and completed up to three times a year.
One of the many food establishments earning honors this year was 19 Handles Pub & Grill located at Arden Way and Eastern Avenue. I know many residents, including members of my staff, enjoy going there after work for a pint and some tasty pub fare like fish and chips.
If you want to find out if your favorite restaurant was one of the award winners, visit
The Carmichael Recreation and Park District will sponsor a special ceremony Saturday, Nov. 2, at 10 a.m. to recognize 14 local heroes listed on the Wall of Honor at Patriots Park on Palm Avenue.
The park is a special place to reflect on and never forget the sacrifices made by those who served us wearing different uniforms—the U.S. Armed Services, law enforcement and fire protection. Each honoree has a connection to the area, and the memorial provides a source of pride and remembrance for their families and friends.
I hope you can join me that morning. For a list of honorees, visit
The Arden-Dimick Friends of the Library will hold a one-day Community Book Sale on Saturday, Nov. 16, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Arden-Dimick Library at Watt and Northrup avenues.
The sale will feature high-quality books suitable for gifts, holiday-themed books, signed books, and CDs and DVDs for adults and children—all at bargain prices.
The Arden-Dimick Friends of the Library is a volunteer community-based organization that advocates for the library and provides funding for books, materials, programs and activities primarily through selling donated books.
I will hold my final 2019 Community Coffee Meeting on Wednesday, Nov. 13, at 7:30 a.m. in the conference room of the Fair Oaks Water District on Fair Oaks Boulevard near Winding Way. Chief probation officer Lee Seale will be the guest speaker.
I also will speak at the annual meetings of the Carmichael Creek Neighborhood Association, Sierra Oaks Vista Neighborhood Association and Sierra Oaks Neighborhood Association.
In September, I addressed residents at the Country Club Estates Neighborhood Watch meeting. The Sheriff’s Department says Neighborhood Watch programs and community partnerships with residents are vital to keeping neighborhoods safe. The Sheriff’s North Division has two crime-prevention specialists who can assist—contact Francie Fitzsimmons at or Mary Ellen Nielson at
In October, I held community meetings in Arden-Arcade and Carmichael that focused on road projects underway and planned for the unincorporated area. Transportation director Ron Vicari explained that Sacramento County will invest $53,284,000 for overlay projects this and next year.
Last month, I also met with volunteers who participated in the annual Arden-Arcade Business Walk sponsored by Sacramento County’s Office of Economic Development. Teams canvassed local businesses about the area’s economic climate and reported their findings. Past efforts provided valuable input that led Sacramento County to make infrastructure improvements on major commercial corridors, respond to code-enforcement issues and address public-safety concerns.

Sacramento County’s Public Health office urges everyone to get their flu shot this influenza season. To help out, there will be a number of free Adult and Family Flu Clinics hosted by the Immunization Assistance Program throughout the Sacramento area.
One clinic will be Wednesday, Nov. 6, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Mission Oaks Community Center at 4702 Gibbons Drive in Carmichael. For a list of all free flu vaccination clinics, visit and click on Public Health Services or call (916) 875-SHOT (7468).
The Sheriff’s Department holds regular community meetings to share information about trends in crime and recent activities. These sessions are open to the public and residents are encouraged to attend.
The Arden-Arcade meeting will be Tuesday, Nov. 5, at 6 p.m. in the Skyroom at Country Club Lanes on Watt Avenue. The Carmichael meeting will be Tuesday, Nov. 19, at 6 p.m. in the library at Del Campo High School on Dewey Drive.

Susan Peters represents the Third District on the Sacramento County Board of Supervisors. She can be reached at Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram: @insidesacramento.