Pocket Life
By Corky Mau
December 2022

Locke’s Star Turn
Local filmmaker sets TV pilot in Delta town
More than 400 proposals were considered for Sacramento’s “Seeding Creativity” grant program to support local independent artists. Only 45 were selected. Winners came from the music, photography, visual arts and film worlds.
Among the recipients is film director Spencer Tsang, 22, with a $10,000 grant. He’s got big plans for the money: a TV pilot based on the Delta town of Locke.
“Locke is significant in the history of Chinese immigrants settling in the area,” Tsang says. “Blending fantasy and science fiction, we’ll create an entertaining story.”
The project hits home for Tsang, whose parents immigrated from China and live in Pocket. Last year, he won a national film grant and produced a short work called “Fight Night” based on his teen years. “Fight Night” won awards at film festivals from Los Angeles to Dubai.
Tsang recently began an artist-in-residency with the Chinese Culture Center in San Francisco. His film company, Lucky Rabbit Pictures, will produce a documentary about the impact of a $66 million redesign of Chinatown’s Portsmouth Square on elderly residents.
Visit luckyrabbitpictures.net to see more of Tsang’s work.
Pocket Canal is almost ready to reflect brilliant holiday lights. Help install the lights on Saturday, Dec. 3. Contact Pocket Parks Commissioner Devin Lavelle at devinlavelle@gmail.com.
Another way to help is through the Pocket Canal Holiday Lights Fund. Any donation helps brighten our neighborhood. Make a tax-deductible present at giftstoshareinc.ejoinme.org/donate (select “District 7 Canal Holiday Lights”).

Let’s extend some seasonal kindness to homebound seniors by donating to the Meals on Wheels holiday campaign. Program recipients need warm scarves, lap blankets, hats, socks and gloves. Items can be homemade or in new unopened packages.
Also donate playing cards, crossword books, color books or new soap bars. Give a holiday card with a handwritten message.
Drop off donations through Dec. 15 at Meals on Wheels on Park City Drive. Call (916) 444-9533 for information. Contact Robin Smith at volunteer@mowsac.org if you or your civic group can help.
Joey C. Soto won a Young Authors award in 1992. He was in third grade. Now his second book is published just in time for the holidays.
The new book is “Nana’s Tree,” based on Soto’s grandmother. This inspiring story about the importance of family is available on Amazon.
Shop until you drop at the Portuguese Hall “Holiday Craft Fair” on Pocket Road. Browse the arts and crafts on Saturday, Dec. 3, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Admission is free.
Linguica sandwiches and other foods will be sold. Vendors can call Judy Allen at (916) 947-6695 or email her at dias49@sbcglobal.net.
Give the gift of books. It’s bag sale time at Pocket-Greenhaven Library, Saturday, Dec. 3, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. For $5, fill up a grocery bag with books. Plenty of titles for every interest.
Two parties are on tap to ring in the New Year.
A prime rib dinner and midnight balloon drop await at the Elks Lodge New Year’s Eve party Saturday, Dec. 31. Doors open at 5:30 p.m., dinner at 7 p.m. After dinner, dance the night away with the Midnight Players and DJ. Cost is $75 per person. Call (916) 422-6666 for tickets.
Welcome 2023 in grand style at Portuguese Hall on Saturday, Dec. 31. Doors open at 6 p.m. for cocktails. Steak and lobster highlight the dinner. Cost is $60 for attendees 13 and older, $15 for 5–12, and free for family members 4 and younger. Dancing follows dinner with a champagne toast at midnight. RSVP by Friday, Dec. 16. Contact Judy Allen at (916) 947-6695 for tickets.
Corky Mau can be reached at corky.sue50@gmail.com. Submissions are due six weeks prior to the publication month. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram: @insidesacramento.