Pocket Life
By Corky Mau
March 2024
Spring is here with more daylight and activities for everyone. There are plenty of interesting and helpful opportunities for Pocket and Greenhaven residents this month. Let’s get started:

Teens can attend a formalwear giveaway at the Robbie Waters Library on Thursday, March 14, from 2:15–5:30 p.m.
Young people can try on and select clothes and accessories for school dances. Adults can accompany their teens, but only students can take attire.
At last year’s giveaway, “Over 90 teens attended—walking away with lots of dresses, suits and accessories that were generously donated by the public,” youth librarian Nathan Milos says.
For information, visit saclibrary.org.
Greenhaven Soccer Club’s spring season registration is open through March 25. Games run April 8 through May 10. Coaches design exercises and drills for each age group, creating a safe and fun way for children to hone soccer skills.
For information, visit greenhavensoccer.com or contact coaching director Jason Drury at jdrury@greenhavensoccer.com.
An Easter egg hunt takes place at William Land Park on Saturday, March 16, at 11 a.m. Highlights include a hat contest for kids, family games and an Easter Bunny visit.

The City Council District 7 Egg Hunt, sponsored by Councilmember Rick Jennings, returns to Garcia Bend Park on Saturday, March 30, at 11 a.m. Toddlers through elementary school students are welcome. Bring baskets and be ready for photos with the Easter Bunny.
Local food historian Mary Ellen Burns leads a conversation about immigrant women who have left their imprint on our community. The discussion starts at 10 a.m. on Thursday, March 7, in ACC’s Community Room.
Enjoy pastries and hot beverages while learning about local Japantown jazz singer and Hollywood actress Betty Inada, African American musical theater pioneers Anna and Emma Hyers, and Locke community activist Connie King.
To register, contact Sean Hidalgo at (916) 393-9026, ext. 111.
A free blood pressure clinic is offered at Robbie Waters Library on Tuesday, March 12, from 12:30–2:30 p.m. No appointment necessary. Just drop in to have your blood pressure checked by registered nurses, plus get heart health tips. The program is a partnership with Samuel Merritt University.
It’s throwback time at Elks Lodge No. 6 on Friday, March 1. An evening dedicated to Rosie the Riveter includes a meatloaf dinner and dancing to The Groove Thang Band. The dinner dance starts at 5:30 p.m. and costs $45 per person. Contact the lodge at (916) 422-6666 or visit the lodge office for tickets.
Free income tax assistance is provided by AARP on Wednesday, March 6 and March 13, at ACC. Volunteers help prepare and file paperwork. Schedule an appointment with Sean Hidalgo at shidalgo@accsv.org or call (916) 393-9026.
Corky Mau can be reached at corky.sue50@gmail.com. Submissions are due six weeks prior to the publication month. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram: @insidesacramento.