Virtual teaching keeps Sac State students on track
Now that Sac State faculty are required to teach courses virtually for the remainder of the spring semester, creativity and innovation are at the forefront. Maintaining professor-student contact helps pupils handle anxiety and frustration from the loss of in-person lessons during the COVID-19 health crisis.
Some teachers use software such as Zoom to teach live classes. Others record their lectures and post them online for students to access.
Paulo Taboga, assistant professor of kinesiology and director of the Biomechanics Laboratory, developed an innovative way to test his students on the latest anatomy lesson by taking photos of plastic models from multiple angles and linking each set to related test questions.
Gerontology students, who worked with elderly patients on projects designed to improve the seniors’ daily lives, are now creating videos to share with care homes and assisted-living centers.
Traditional office hours have changed to phone, FaceTime or Zoom sessions. For more information, visit