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Pocket Life March 2025
Find out what is going on in Pocket during the month of March!
Hide And Seek
The city doesn’t know how to tell a story.
In January, I asked the city for documents related to the Del Rio Trail bicycle bridge across Interstate 5 and Riverside Boulevard.
You know the bridge.
It’s the $12 million span that never opened. The one with wooden construction forms still hanging above the freeway. Built with substandard concrete and rebar. Now facing demolition.
And begging questions about how the city waited until last summer, when the bridge was ready for its ribbon cutting, before anyone started screaming about the problems.
That bridge.
Fight Or Flight
Sunset along the lower American River. Hundreds of double-crested cormorants perch high among cottonwood and black locust trees. The birds fly in nightly during winter to roost in a grove between Howe and Watt avenues.
The roost supports as many as 225 cormorants, likely the entire population on the lower American River, says Dan Airola, conservation chair with Central Valley Bird Club.
When Airola began observing the cormorants in 2019, there were 25 to 30 birds.
Dream Rebuilt
The local Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration committee invited area students to write essays about King’s inspiration. This year’s $500 winner is Alia Hamdani from McClatchy High School.
Out And About February 2025
Find out what is happening in Sacramento during the month of February!
Pocket Life February 2025
Find out what is happening in Pocket during the month of Feburary!
Undiplomatic Immunity
I keep hoping flood protection agencies will wise up to tricks pulled by people who want to torpedo the Sacramento River Parkway levee bike trail.
The tricks are tiresome. But flood agencies are easy marks. They love to play the fool.
The latest embarrassment happened last year. The game involved five temporary levee fences in Pocket and Little Pocket authorized by Central Valley Flood Protection Board Executive Officer Chris Lief in 2023.
Pocket Life January 2025
Find out what is happening in Pocket during the month of January!