Out & About
June 2021
By Jessica Laskey

Dog Days of Summer
SSPCA holds virtual walk, opens new spay clinic
Join thousands of walkers Saturday, June 5, for this year’s virtual Sacramento SPCA Doggy Dash to help the nonprofit raise funds to save more companion animals and find them fur-ever homes.
Show your support by walking your neighborhood or backyard, a local park or trail, or even on a treadmill! Leading up to June 5, participate in an online pet festival, enter contests, win prizes and visit a virtual vendor fair. Register as an individual or as a team at sspca.org.
The SSPCA also recently celebrated the opening of the Zoe K. McCrea Animal Health Center, which will allow the organization to increase its capacity for spay and neuter procedures, and expand its low-cost vaccine and wellness clinics.
“Our most basic goals are to decrease the number of unwanted animals that enter our public shelters and get more animals out of shelters and into homes,” says Nereo Rebellato, SSPCA volunteer and fundraiser extraordinaire. “To achieve that goal, the Sacramento SPCA devoted significant resources to addressing animal overpopulation through our spay and neuter program. It is the only thing that solves both overpopulation and the number of animals entering shelters.”
The new 6,400-square-foot spay clinic has four surgical suites, two state-of-the-art dental suites, expanded prep and recovery areas, and larger check-in/waiting rooms for the public.
“With the high cost of veterinary care among the top five reasons that animals are surrendered to a shelter, providing access to affordable care could be the crucial difference between an animal spending their days in a loving home, going through the traumatic experience of staying in a shelter or being euthanized,” Rebellato says.
In addition, the SSPCA has been awarded the California Veterinary Medical Association’s Meritorious Service Award for its commitment to providing high-quality veterinary services.
“The award is a reflection of our impact on animals and their families throughout California,” says Dawn Foster, director of marketing and communications. “In 2019, our services were used by agencies and residents in 41 of California’s 58 counties, including providing critical animal assistance during the wildfires that ravaged Northern California.”
“Art Where the Wild Things Are,” Effie Yeaw Nature Center’s annual spring gala and auction, takes place June 5–14 both in person and online.
Guests will enjoy an in-person art preview Saturday, June 5, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. to peruse the juried nature-oriented art on display under the trees at Effie Yeaw Nature Center in Ancil Hoffman Park in Carmichael.
A virtual silent auction will be held online June 5-14, and an in-person live auction will be held Sunday, June 13, from 5-7:30 p.m. at Effie Yeaw Nature Center.
This is the nature center’s biggest fundraiser of the year to support its educational programs, maintain a beautiful visitor center and care for resident non-releasable animal ambassadors. For more information, visit sacnaturecenter.net.
The 20th Sacramento French Film Festival comes to a small screen near you June 18–27. Like last year, the city’s iconic francophone film fest will stream 10 films in 10 days.
The festival includes virtual chats and Q&As with directors and actors, and plenty of chances to rent and stream the best French-language films of the year. Go to virtual.sacramentofrenchfilmfestival.org.

The First 5 Sacramento Commission has approved more than $40 million in funding for critical prevention and early intervention programs that serve young children and their families in Sacramento County starting in July.
Funding was allocated to prevent African American child deaths, strengthen families and decrease child maltreatment and trauma, improve school readiness, build quality child care settings and increase breastfeeding.
“These programs provide parents and caregivers the necessary tools to ensure children achieve their greatest potential and succeed in life,” says County Supervisor Phil Serna, chair of the First 5 Sacramento Commission. For more information, visit first5sacramento.net.
The American River Parkway Foundation has launched the Teichert-Parkway Fund, annual grants from Teichert that will be administered through the foundation to benefit the 4,800-acre American River Parkway.
Through partnerships with Sacramento County Regional Parks, funding from Teichert’s gravel mining operations has been allocated for community enhancements within the parkway. Grants are available in four categories: education, recreation, access and parkway enhancements.
“This has been over a decade in the making and I am truly excited to begin reviewing proposals and rewarding grants to implement projects and enhancements on the parkway generated by the community,” says Michael Smith of Teichert Materials. “The difference with these grants is one does not need to be a nonprofit to apply—a neighborhood association or scout group can do so as well. Our goal is to engage the entire community into the fold of the American River Parkway.”
For more information or to apply, visit arpf.org/parkwayfund.
The Sacramento City Council has approved a $1.1 million loan for the renovation of an Oak Park commercial space at 4401 Broadway that will become a new employee-owned supermarket, Rancho San Miguel Market.
The loan will not only help secure food access for local residents, “it will also provide economic and job opportunities for the community,” says Vice Mayor Jay Schenirer, who represents the district.
“Residents should not have to travel far to find fresh and affordable food—they should be able to find it right in their own community,” says City Councilmember Eric Guerra, who represents nearby District 6.
Slated to open in fall 2021, the 51,000-square-foot supermarket will be 100-percent employee owned and serve Oak Park, Elmhurst and Tahoe Park. The store will be an anchor for the Broadway/Stockton corridor and complement other projects, including development of a Stockton Boulevard Plan, transportation improvements, new housing development and nearby Aggie Square.
Five new works of public art by California artists will be installed in the SAFE Credit Union Convention and Performing Arts District, which includes the SAFE Credit Union Convention Center, SAFE Credit Union Performing Arts Center and recently remodeled Memorial Auditorium.
“Our creative talent base contributes directly to our region’s creative vitality, while also attracting tourism, driving innovation and bringing people together,” says City Councilmember Katie Valenzuela, who represents the district. “It’s vital that the city continues to support the arts community and pursue providing opportunities for our local creatives.”
In coordination with the city’s Office of Arts and Culture, four artistic teams were chosen from more than 300 applications. Kimberly Garza and Atlas Lab Inc. created “California Cathedral,” a 25-foot-tall sculpture that echoes the form of a tree. Jiayi Young’s “Lunar Specimen 12038,7” is a clear acrylic resin sculpture modeled after a moon rock brought back by Apollo 11.
Nova Jiang created two pieces. “Cacophony” is a 34-foot-long aluminum and Swarovski crystal hanging depicting a recorded soundwave by the Sacramento Philharmonic. “Acorn” is an oak sapling constructed of aluminum, fiberglass, wood instruments and acrylic paint. Einar and Jamex De La Torres’ “We Have Lift Off!” is a playful 34-foot-tall rocket ship made of steel, fiberglass and concrete that lights up at night and projects flora shapes on the convention center’s walls.
The city of Sacramento has opened its first “Safe Ground” site in a parking lot near W and Sixth streets under the W/X Freeway.
The site is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week and can host approximately 100 to 150 people experiencing homelessness in spaces for tent camping or safe parking for vehicles. The site is staffed around the clock and offers port-a-potties and cleaning stations.
Case managers provide support for mental health needs and substance-use disorders, as well as hotel vouchers and housing coordination. Everyone utilizing the site will be entered into the Homeless Management Information System, connecting them with additional service providers in the area.
Earlier this month, the City Council unanimously approved a resolution by Mayor Darrell Steinberg to keep overnight shelters open year-round regardless of the temperature and to expand their mission to include daytime hours and services to help people exit homelessness.

Visit Sacramento, the economic development and services organization for the region’s convention and tourism industry, has announced that Sonya Bradley, longtime leader and chief marketing officer, will become chief of diversity, equity and inclusion.
This new position was created specifically to address the organization’s commitment to DEI prompted by the killing of George Floyd.
“Tourism has been fulfilling both professionally and personally, and I’ve had tremendous opportunities in this industry,” says Bradley, who helped create the new position. “Yet I still see a relatively small number of people who look like me in the industry. This is Visit Sacramento’s chance to change that. Because this moment in time since last summer is too big to ignore or end up on the back burner because a box has been checked.”
Bradley has already begun establishing steering committees made up of local leaders and experts who can speak to the challenges and experiences of people of color, the LGBTQ+ community and other historically underrepresented groups in Sacramento.
Bradley currently serves as chair for the CalTravel (California Travel Association) DEI committee established last year.
“This new position is the next step in making sure that tourism really is a positive force for our entire community,” says Visit Sacramento President/CEO Mike Testa.
Sacramento Self-Help Housing is now operating three transitional houses as part of St. Vincent de Paul’s The Exodus Project, a spiritually based mentoring program assisting men and women for up to two months prior to release and six months after release from incarceration in Sacramento County correctional facilities.
The program is free for participants and each house is home to six individuals. In addition to providing transitional housing, the program supports those recently released from incarceration to develop and sustain the tools and resources necessary for a successful re-entry.
Program participants are housed for six months to allow time for them to access health care services (including addiction and mental health treatment), educational programs and employment opportunities.
Sacramento Self-Help Housing and St. Vincent de Paul also provides a holistic set of case management resources focused on human dignity, self-awareness and achieving permanent housing. For more information, visit sacselfhelp.org.

The Downtown Sacramento Partnership is now accepting applications for an additional round of ReImagine Activation Grants, part of the new micro-grant program launched last fall.
The $500 micro-grants will be awarded to Downtown businesses and organizations to support endeavors to increase the quality of life and experiences within the 66-block district managed by the Downtown Sacramento Partnership.
So far, micro-grants have been awarded to Brannan Manor Restaurant & Spirits, Capital Books, Kodaiko Ramen & Bar, Koja Kitchen Sactown, Odd Cookie Bakery & Café, Solomon’s, Tango by the River, Visions of Eden Inc. and Willie’s Burgers.
“It has been extremely challenging to navigate not just the restrictions during the pandemic but the office closures, Golden 1 Center shutdown and the constantly changing conditions, so we have to get creative to draw people to Downtown,” says Andrea Lepore, owner of Solomon’s. “The ReImagine grant helped us support our creative economy and hire local DJs to energize our patio and create a brief escape for our customers.”
For more information, visit downtownsac.org/covid-19.
The Midtown Farmers Market has expanded to accommodate more than 130 farmers, growers and vendor booths through October.
The open-air market will extend from its existing footprint on 20th Street between J and L streets to K Street from 19th to 21st streets. The market is open year-round on Saturdays from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. (market hours change seasonally).
“We are steadfast in our commitment to celebrating a diverse street food culture while feeding curiosity about where our food comes from while connecting with the amazing local chef and restaurant community in Midtown,” says Emily Baime Michaels, executive director of the Midtown Association, which operates the farmers market.
When you go, seek out three Street Food Sacramento grant award winners that debuted in April: Boone’s Red Onions (pickled red onions), Épicée (hot sauces and candied jalapenos) and La Minerva (tortas, tacos, ceviche and more). For more information, visit midtownfarmersmarketsac.com.

After being closed for nearly a year, the California State Railroad Museum in Old Sacramento has reopened for indoor visitation at 25-percent capacity.
The museum offers a variety of exhibits in addition to an awe-inspiring collection of large-scale locomotives and historic rail equipment. Don’t miss “Bent to the Task: The Industrial Art of Ray Carrington,” “Crossing Lines: Women of the American Railroad” and “The Magic of Scale Model Railroading.”
Also, the California State Railroad Museum Foundation is continuing its popular weekend excursion train rides on the Sacramento Southern Railroad.
The railroad museum is open daily from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. For more information or to purchase advance tickets for excursion train rides, visit californiarailroad.museum.

For the first time in almost 20 years, the Sacramento Zoo is home to cheetahs again. Meet 4-year-old brothers, Rowdy and Zig Zag.
“The boys” arrived from Wildlife Safari in Winston, Ore., in April and were given time to settle into their new surroundings before going on exhibit. The zoo’s animal care and health staff immediately began working on a cheetah husbandry and welfare program.
Prior to the boys’ arrival, the cheetahs’ enclosure—the zoo’s former Australia habitat—received upgrades, including new grass, heating elements, shade structures, a glass panel for up-close viewing and a behind-the-scenes area for tours, all thanks to zoo supporters.
Admission tickets must be reserved in advance at saczoo.org. No tickets are sold at the door and weekends are selling out.

Summer is here—which means summer camps are the answer to keeping your kids busy.
Check out in-person camps from the Aerospace Museum of California (aerospaceca.org/camps), California Museum (californiamuseum.org/time-traveler), Sacramento History Museum (sachistorymuseum.org/events/field-trips/2021-history-camp), SMUD Museum of Science & Curiosity (visitmosac.org/summer-camps), Verge Center for the Arts (vergeart.com/classes/arts-summer-kids-studio-camp) and others.
For Girl Scouts and their families, Camp Menzies offers several camp options in the Sierra Nevada that include horseback riding, swimming, archery, arts and crafts, hiking, canoeing, songs, games and more. For more information, visit girlscoutshcc.org/camp.
The Harley White Jr. Quartet will perform Monday, June 28, at 7 p.m. at the Dante Club to celebrate the return of the Sacramento Jazz Coop’s “Live at Dante” performance series.
The performance features “Impressions of Chopin, Ellington and Jobim” with Clark Goodloe on piano, Andre Fylling on melodica and synth strings, Jeff Minnieweather on drums and Harley White Jr. on bass. For more information, visit sacramentojazzcoop.org.

The Elk Grove Fine Arts Center will present its 10th Annual Art Tour on Saturday, June 12, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. with
more than two dozen local artists.
The tour allows artists to showcase their works with no gallery fee or commission, and offers art lovers a chance to meet artists in an informal setting. Each participating artist has donated a piece of original art for a raffle fundraiser at the center.
The show and raffle prizes will remain on display through July 3, when raffle winners will be announced. For a map of locations and more information, visit elkgrovefineartscenter.org.
CLARA Classroom, a new virtual teaching artist program, is being offered to all Sacramento County public schools for free through Sept. 1, thanks to funding from the Sacramento Region Community Foundation, Sierra Health Foundation and
“After a year of distance learning, students need arts engagement more than ever,” says CLARA Executive Director Megan Wygant. “Research shows that participation in the arts is an essential part of social-emotional learning and improves students’ adaptability, flexibility and comfort with uncertainty.”
Prior to the pandemic, only 35 percent of Sacramento County’s 250,000 students received state-mandated access to arts education. CLARA Classroom meets that need for all students with age-appropriate modules in dance, music and theater for T-kindergarten through 12th grade.
Teachers are provided with study guides that allow them to integrate lesson plans into existing learning or to assign arts curriculum to be completed at home. With prices starting as low as 99 cents per child, CLARA Classroom is significantly more affordable than bringing a live artist to school, while providing many of the positive student engagement benefits that make the arts an essential part of learning. For more information, visit claraclassroomsacramento.org.

“Louis Comfort Tiffany: Treasures from the Driehaus Collection” is now on view at the Crocker Art Museum through Sept. 12.
The exhibit features more than 60 stunning objects spanning more than 30 years of Tiffany’s prolific career as a renowned and inventive artist in glass, ceramic, metalwork, jewelry and painting.
This marks the first time these objects from Chicago’s distinguished Richard H. Driehaus Collection have been presented in a comprehensive exhibition. For more information, visit crockerart.org.
“Off Center: An International Ceramic Competition” returns to Blue Line Arts in Roseville through July 10. Juried winners will be announced Saturday, June 19, during the Opening Reception from 4–8 p.m.
Featuring 80 works by artists from 21 states, Off Center addresses the ways in which ceramics can draw attention to issues relevant to today’s world.
“Each of these artists offer poignant reflections on the nature of this moment in human existence: from our shifting relationship to the environments we shape, to our relationship with history, to our hesitant movement into the ensuing stage of 21st century life,” says Magdolene Dykstra, an Egyptian-Canadian artist and educator who selected this year’s winners.
Blue Line Arts is open Tuesday through Saturday from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. or by appointment. For more information, visit bluelinearts.org.

East Sacramento’s Archival Gallery will present a group exhibition, “Barn Dance,” June 3–26, featuring works by local artists celebrating our agricultural region and the spirit of the dance.
Artists include Kathy Dana, Emily Elders, Jill Estroff, Cynthia Hipkiss, Maureen Hood, Jon Lowe, Erin Martinelli, Carol Mott-Binkley, Linda Nunes, Helen Plenert, Kellie Raines, Sean Royal, Hilary von Joo and others.
The gallery will be open for a Second Saturday public reception June 12 at 5 p.m. with respectful distancing and limited capacity. Gallery visitors are welcome during normal business hours with no appointment. Masks or face coverings are required at all times. For more information, visit archivalgallery.com.

The Sacramento Regional Solid Waste Authority has teamed up with Atrium 916, a creative innovation center for sustainability, to develop interactive art installations that educate the community on the growing recycling crisis.
Atrium 916 sent out a call to its 500 regional artists to submit engaging concepts. The winning design is The Beacon by the artist team of Sean Stillwell, Jaymie Braun and Alexa Jesse.
Two new mobile installations were unveiled on Earth Day at 1020 Front St. in Old Sacramento. The satellite structure has an aluminum frame that can be recycled indefinitely. The art and shade are composed of upcycled materials. All technology is solar powered by Unbound Solar.
Those that interact with the installations gain a new perspective on recycling through a digital game, artwork and video. For more information, visit atrium916.com/recycle-challenge.
“Go West,” a selection of images by landscape and wildlife photographer Darby Hayes, is on view through Aug. 6 at the PBS KVIE Gallery. The exhibition includes a variety of Hayes’ striking large-format images exploring regional and national landscapes and fauna.
The PBS KVIE Gallery is at the PBS KVIE Studios at 2030 West El Camino Ave. and is open Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. For more information, visit kvie.org/events or email arts@kvie.org.
The Sacramento Fine Arts Center in Carmichael will host the exhibit “Changing Perspective,” June 1–27 with a Second Saturday reception June 12 from 5:30–8:30 p.m.
The juried art show called on artists to create something new and different that challenged their own perspective of the world—or changes the perspective of others. For more information, visit sacfinearts.org.
Jessica Laskey can be reached at jessrlaskey@gmail.com. Submissions are due six weeks prior to the publication month. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram: @insidesacramento.