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Healthy Option
The last time Dr. Lou Vismara had an idea this big it turned into the UC Davis Mind Institute, a renowned research center for autism and other neurodevelopmental conditions.
Vismara, 81 and retired from his cardiology practice, is at it again. He teamed with developer Angelo Tsakopoulos to plan a 2,800-acre project on Tsakopoulos’ property that spans parts of Folsom and two counties, Sacramento and El Dorado.
The development includes what Vismara and Tsakopoulos call a “Community for Health and Independence” that can be replicated elsewhere.
Designed for elder residents and people with disabilities, the plan counts the UC Davis Health Center and Sacramento State University as partners. Although it must survive governmental reviews before anything gets built, the new community is generating excitement and consternation.
Fly High
Those people with fishing gear outside the Conzelmann Community Center at Howe Park aren’t lost.
They’re most likely members of California Fly Fishers Unlimited practicing casting before their monthly meeting.
“Our audience wants to learn—can they do it, can they get help? That’s an area we excel in,” says Paul Wisheropp, a member since 2011. “We focus on conservation, education and outreach.”
Since 1962, Fly Fishers Unlimited has promoted fly fishing and encouraged conservation of the state’s fisheries, aquatic resources and watersheds. The group offers classes, outings, socials and meetings to serve amateurs and aficionados.
Tiny Delight
Juno’s Kitchen, the standout sandwich shop in East Sacramento, is a puzzle. Nearly invisible from the street, the postage-stamp sized spot thrives after almost 14 years in business.
Through pandemic shutdowns and economic cycles, this little eatery proves that a commitment to excellence and ingredients pays off.
I looked back on my coverage of Juno’s in 2011, when Mark Helms and Susan Vasques opened their kitchen. I was blown away by the bold flavors and craftsmanship at such an unimposing lunchroom.
I cringe now at the writing. I overused “outstanding“ and “amazing.” But my feelings haven’t changed. Helms and Vasques still produce exceptionally crafted food that goes far beyond grab-n-go.
External Beauty
Alison and Ryan De Anda purchased their Curtis Park home in January 2020, just before the pandemic.
“We are super glad we did it then because the housing market heated up in the coming months and we likely would have been priced out completely,” Ryan says.
The couple moved from San Francisco where they worked for Macy’s. Ryan grew up in West Sacramento, Alison in Oregon.
“We were priced out of the market in the Bay Area and wanted to be closer to Ryan’s large family,” Alison says. “Sacramento was the perfect place for us.”
Ryan works for the state as an IT project manager. Alison is a vision care retail buyer. She also buys and sells vintage items.
With its inventory of century-old homes, Curtis Park filled the couple’s wish list. “It had the charm of the older San Francisco neighborhoods we enjoyed. And we loved the eclectic architecture of the homes,” Ryan says.
Javier Plasencia is the new director of education at the Crocker Art Museum. He oversees eight programmers and educators in the planning and execution of more than 300 programs to serve about 35,000 people each year.
The job is a homecoming for Plasencia, who grew up in Pocket-Greenhaven. His experience includes work with the arts and design team at the Metropolitan Transportation Authority of New York and Museum of Modern Art.
Most recently, he was program manager for the Museum Studies Master of Arts program at University of San Francisco. He recruited, advised and taught graduate students.
Experience Counts
A close-up of musician Nina Simone is captured in blue, black, gray and white acrylic paint. Her face is surrounded by a large black letter “N.” Etched into the glass frame is “WORD.”
Artist Michael Stevenson created this piece for his 2015 exhibition “Civil Rights Civil Wrongs” at University of Texas. Personal experiences were the inspiration.
“My nephews were throwing the N word around very casually,” says Stevenson, a graphic designer raised in Nashville. “It’s a hip thing to do, but once you’re starting to have kids, you think about the history of the word and how hurtful and demeaning it is. So, I took on the N word. Nina Simone fought so hard to eliminate this word. Now my N word is Nina.”
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