Corti Brothers
Featured: Inside Sacramento – East Sac

Brothers Frank and Gino Corti opened their grocery store in 1947 to expand the culinary experiences of Sacramento residents. They offered delicacies and wines from around the world, not easily available in Northern California at the time. Frank’s son, Darrell Corti (shown), continues the tradition in the quaint East Sacramento grocery store. Darrell’s encyclopedic knowledge of food and wine led to the creation in 1967 of his legendary food newsletter, featuring products discovered on travels abroad. The letter is still published to ravenous readers across the country. Corti was knighted as a Cavaliere by the Italian government for his work in promoting Italian products. Today, America’s top chefs seek his opinion on all matters culinary. The Corti team includes expert wine stewards and journeyman meat cutters, but the store retains the old-fashioned charm first envisioned by the Corti brothers. The full-service delicatessen is famous for sandwiches and ravioli, the oldest continuously produced food product in Sacramento. The selection of charcuterie and cheese is comprehensive, as is the stock of specialty food products from all over the world. Many Sacramento restaurant chefs have taken inspiration from Darrell Corti.